
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Halfway measures 

I do not know much about killing oneself.

If I did I couldn't tell you about it. But that is what we have in this film. Purgatory. And it looks just like the Sonoran Desert where I live. Not the city part, the out-there part.

Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006)

There has to be a kind of death wish behind making a movie like this. It is not going to have very wide appeal.

But it is very funny. Yes. Dark humor.

And Tom Waits who is his wry self shows up later in the film to push it all along. It works.

There is a lot of our upper desert which is recognizable to me. Places I have been and enjoyed a great deal. One curve around a hilly road made me giddy because I remember it as one of my dramatic sights. I screamed. SOL. When I drove around it and now in this film.

So there is a lot to this film that appealed to me.

I could not in all conscience give it a 4 although I would probably be willing to see it again. But I don't want to give anyone a bum steer. This is an acquired taste film. If you have not already developed a yen for dark humor, they give you a short while to develop one and then they grab hold of your throat and drag you into purgatory. Here you are. Love it or leave it. I stayed and had a good time because the ending ROCKZ!


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