
Thursday, October 16, 2014


Some family members are on the way to Palm Springs as I type this!

Two "boys" who will stay with us for five days. Well, in a hotel. Did you know that Palm Springs has no motels? Down market. Too posh for that. It is funny.

There are plenty of places that you and I would call motels. Not Palm Springs.

It will be nice to have them. No big plans. Mostly eat at a home. Hang out.

The days of showing people the sights and sites in the Coachella Valley were over long ago.

We have been here 15 years now. Old news.

But visitors do like to hike and go around to see things. Even the second and third time.

I used to hike with them but my hiking days are over. Along with the knees.

We don't go back east much. Once in five years for me and that was in August. So it isn't like I haven't seen them in forever.

But staying here is different than going there. Certainly homier. I will cook at least one night. Maybe two or three. Out only once?

We have stuff going on while they are here. I have a BOD meeting for the condos on Saturday morning and John has a medical appointment Sunday AM.

I remember how, when I went to see my parents, that we would "have to" go to the house and sit and talk. Mostly my mother talked. It was just unavoidable.

I probably compensate the other way now. I will talk in conversational mode but I don't tell my whole life in an hour and then repeat it after asking if I told them already. A good lesson I learned from her. It was like a tape spool.

So we will just be around.


And so will they. Nicer.


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