Friday, October 03, 2014
The HIV epidemic began about three years after I finally came out, moved to Boston and had begun a life of a gay man.
It should have scared me back into the closet but it did not. I had come too far.
The full force of the disease hit when I had made new friends who were suddenly gone.
I only mention this to indicate that my experience was not the same as for some men who had been out to themselves and the world since they were quite young.
For me, it was one more impediment to realizing my self. I was not going to be deterred. So I stayed and helped fight the battle. A new recruit.
I have never looked back except, occasionally, to look back and wish I had done more. But I do know that I did enough. What was served up to me.
Today I watched the film version of one of the most important books of the time. Larry Kramer's
Technically a television film. It is the same difference.
I remember reading the book and being somewhat underwhelmed. But the film version somehow saves the day.
It is much more like how I remember the times. And, in a way, they acknowledged Kramers famous anger but managed it so the story and the ideas came through.
There is no summarizing the movie. It is self contained and stands by itself.
Matt Bomer and Mark Ruffalo star along with Julia Roberts. But the characters they play are the stars. The heroes of the crisis and the people who fought for help and got it.
The film is certainly a 5 out of Netflix5. I will see it again and it will be on our DVD library.