
Saturday, October 04, 2014

Coming of age, feminine 

Today' film piles improbability upon improbability.

And at the same time, it is enjoyable and by the end I had a teary time as everything worked out as we knew it would.

I got it because it has John Cusack in it and that is enough for me.

The improbable star is Julia Roberts' sister but she is supported by a bunch of skillful players who hold her up. The male lead, the boyfriend waiting in the wings is a wonderful young mans named Chris Riggi.

An aspiring poet reaches a little too far, grasp/reach. She finds an older poet who used to be successful to help her get published. She works in an adult video store to earn a little money since she has quit college and the scholarships she depended on to live. And so forth. The nice boy works there too.

There is a lot of humor in this set piece, one liners.

I will give it a 3 out of Netflix5.


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