Friday, September 05, 2014
I heard from John today.
He and friend Gwen are in their third day of touring.
That means they are in Palermo where they have been since they arrived Wednesday.
I have two pictures so far. A church and a bus ride.
Palermo is the center for several days touring.
In the meantime, I am doing pretty well. It is hard to set a new routine with elements of the routine being redundant or unnecessary.
I did go to the store this morning which is a regular thing for Friday. I will soon watch a movie as I do most days.
There is the internet to pay attention to.
And it is summer still so seasonal activities are still curtailed.
I talked to a neighbor this morning about the resumption of the normal business of the condo association. Board meetings are off for the summer but we are back with regular meetings September 20. Two weeks.
She is the head of the landscape committee. So far so good on the new company that is doing the daily work. Lawns, pruning, cleaning up and so on. The summer is a time of low level maintenance and soon the hard stuff will happen
In the meantime they are getting their rhythm down. Lawns need mowing, raking, blowing of leaves This is a big deal here, you should see it.
Back east the leaves fall where they may. Here they all get cleaned away on an almost daily basis.
It is funny how differently the two parts of the world react to nature. Here it is all freshening up all the time. There it was just a matter of keeping ahead of the next cycle of the seasons. We don't do seasons much here. Just primping.
Water, blow, cleanup, blow, rake, blow some more.
Paradise is hard to maintain.

Labels: condo, landscaping, travel