Sunday, September 07, 2014
It had to happen sooner or later.
We finally got the dread "monsoon" conditions for the weekend. A long weekend.
This is when the heat and humidity swirls the wrong way off the Gulf of Mexico and rolls into the desert delivering uncomfortable, stay inside weather. The air is thick and later there will be a lot of thunder and dry lightning.
I walked out at 4 AM and it was totally muggy. Without a cloud in the sky. Clear as a bell.
Later, this could all end in a torrent.
I know. This is just like summer back east. But we left all that behind.
I remember how boring it was to listen to John's mother Jeanne go on about the weather in Florida. And I try not to do that. But occasionally, it calls for comment.
After all, we came here for the weather as a major factor.
There was a funny article in the local paper. Palm Springs flash flood warning canceled, Araby floods. Predicting the weather here is as perilous as it was in Boston.