Tuesday, September 02, 2014
While John is away in Italy I am going to be watching as many of our own gay DVDs as I can.
In the time allotted of course.
I had thought I would start at the top of the list and work my way down it but I have already broken that with the three films of Julián Hernández. I did this mostly because I got a new one the other day and then decided to put them all together.
I know this doesn't matter much to you but it does to me in a weird compulsive I-broke-my-contract-with-myself kind of way.
There is no telling how much the serious gay film scene has changed since I became a viewer.
By this, I mean a gay film which has a serious message and is entertaining in a gay way at the same time. A real film with all the full production values. Just like good movies have always been.
In the beginning there was David Hockney who knocked out an art film about his own work. Then others began to show up in the Boston art theater circuit. This is over a period of 40 years. A lot has happened.
Today, there are a lot of gay films that are far superior to Hollywood and even the independent market.
Time marches on.