
Friday, September 12, 2014

Family guy 

Today's movie is an Italian version of many many such tales.

An international cliché.

Come non detto / Tell No One (2012)

Matteo is leaving town and has one thing he has never told his family. That he is gay. He has a job in Spain and his boyfriend is going with him.

This is another coming out of the closet stories. And it is charming and funny and gentle on all the people in the family as well as the two young men.

It is not a great work of art but it is fun and enjoyable and never ever crosses the PC line. This in Italy.

It is light, perhaps even fluff but I am glad that it was finally subtitled and put in an American wrapper.

A 5 out of Netflix5.

I interrupted my showing of our gay DVD collection to see this. But it is now part of the collection so I guess it will be alright.


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