
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Biding my time 

I am beginning to "endure" with John's being away.

At the beginning it was fun, then it became routine and now it is getting a little tough to handle.

The house is very quiet.

I have stuff to do but nothing essential to the family care and welfare.

I will do the Friday shopping tomorrow in preparation for his Saturday return.

In the meantime, it is getting to be a bit of a grind.

It is probably good for me. I need an occasional reminder of what it is like to be alone. Especially not to have the kind of routines that we have designed for and with one another. The us part of it.

Two more dinners out alone. Another full day before he arrives.

There is stuff to do but it is pretty thin stuff.

Absence does make the heart grow fonder. Also to point out the enjoyability of the coupled life.

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