Saturday, August 30, 2014
Wild life
I wrote recently about the arrival of a lizard on the wall outside our condo, the north windows.
It was the first time I had seen one so busy around the house. We used to have them all the time at the old house.
Now, this morning, a new arrival.
There is a baby in the bathroom. Or was.
He scampered around and hid under the roll-around shelf we have in there.
I hoped to catch him and let him out but that is not in the cards. He is too fast.
So now there is a lizard inside too.
Oh boy.

Not my hand. Not my lizard. But about this size.
Soon, there will be a dog in the house. That will probably be the end of any lizards who live in here.
But I will let that be between them and I will stay out of it.