Sunday, August 17, 2014
Some might ask, "why does a retired person need a vacation?".
And it is a good question. The answer I think lies in the word "retire". This means that there is much less stimulation in life in general. No work problems, no change of scenes (unless you are chained to a desk). No wide variety of problems and, most of all, people. One's geography shrinks. The psyche shrivels.
I have done pretty well to keep busy and do stuff I always wanted but work interceded. I am on the Board of my condo association. I do this blog. I am in touch with people a lot in my Program of recovery. I sponsor some, hang out a bit with others.
But it gets stale. The summertime is also endlessly hot which is OK but keeps us inside much as a New England winter will. Middays mostly. But I will take the hot summer, thanks very much.
So, I go away.
This year I have two vacations. The first is done but it was a working vacation. A trip to Boston, London and Toronto all to visit with friends and virtually no down time.
This up-coming trip will have down down down time. Not that I will be sitting on my ass all the while. In fact, there will be more physical activity than normal and it will be good for me.
For example, my walking chops are not in the best shape. The absence of a dog to walk has led to a bit more indolence. When Booker died, I did not continue the nightly walk by myself. I tried but it was too hard emotionally. People would want to talk about him. It would come up over and over. "Where is Booker"? And I have not gone back.
We will be getting another dog soon after these summer trips are concluded. The plans are in the works. So that part of the problem will be eliminated. In the meantime, this trip will provide the walking I need and the new sights I crave.

Let me orient you a little. Shelter Island is a man made peninsula in a dog leg shape.
I am down at the "calf", the building with the large white roof, the marina across with a square mooring area. Humphrey's concert venue is the next building toward us on the right side of the island. It is huge and runs all the way to the end of the lower leg. It is brown so it is hard to see. Neo Hawaiian which is the Island theme for all buildings (though not for the BayClub where I am staying).
At the bend, the 90 degree corner, is a large military facility, Naval, which does some kind of arcane detector work. It is not highly guarded but you can't see anything. The round building all the way toward us on the near end is a big fancy restaurant which I have eaten at but not often. It is nice enough. But where I stay is just the kind of thing I want and it is right under my room. I get plenty of walking in as it is.
Look how clear the water is. I don't know if it is "clean" but it sure looks it. People do swim at the beach right next to the boat ramp on the inner bay. It looks cold to me as all the Pacific is. Swimming in these waters is more for the young and brave.
Labels: vacation