
Monday, August 11, 2014

Sooner or later 

I figured Hillary would be off the reservation and zinging Obama.

In a way, she has to. But still, since she was Secretary of State for quite awhile. Four years. Doesn't this smell just a little bit?

Hillary Clinton criticizes Obama's foreign policy 'failure'; strongly defends Israel

And of course, there is Israel again. Right up there among the issues. Can Jewish support be far behind?

I have gone round and round on the Clintons before. It is inevitable that they will get out of their cage and become their normal self serving selves now that Hill is up for another try at the Presidency.

She might be the only show in town. Our Romney. No one really wants her but there is no one else in the offing.

They feel entitled to it so I suppose it will be a coronation at least at the Party level. But I don't have to like it. She is better than the "none of the above" that could show up in the GOoPer bullpen.


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