Tuesday, August 05, 2014
I realized today that I have not been posting a lot here besides films.
That is not because I have nothing to say. I am out of the habit of posting.
And it is summer. Quiet times.
I am busy.
There are the usual things. Gym at 4AM Monday through Friday. Meetings three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. One on ones with the people I sponsor in the Program.
But none of that is of note or, more likely, is anything I can really write about.
There is always the recourse to writing about not writing. And here I am.
First, summer. We are in the middle of it. But it is not all that hot this year. No, we do not go out much in the middle of the day. Do the shopping early, do any other business. Water, mess with the gardens. Then go inside.
Since we don't have a dog friend with us, there is a limitation on outside activity. This will soon change, probably when the heat is over or whenever a best friend is found for us to invite to live with us.
So a lot of stuff is on hold or in abeyance.
I do have plans to vacate to San Diego on the 17th for my annual five days on the water. I so look forward to that.
Come fall there will be visitors again and some other things. The condo board will rev up.
In the meantime, doldrums. Which is OK. I just don't want to retire in my retirement. I crave action. But I have enough right now and there is always reading to catch up with.
Of course, there is always the ultimate cool off here. Just go up the mountain and it will be in the mid 70s with 50s at night.
Not all that far as the crow flies, about two miles. But on the roads, more like near an hour to get there. Not today.

Labels: desert, summer, weather