
Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I am making more of this than I want to.

But new the phone works fine. I went and got it today and guess what?

The first calls were made and, almost simultaneously, I found the old phone. It had fallen down between car seats where "no one" would ever look.

So now I have two.

You probably saw that coming. I didn't.

I had already taken the time to transfer the address book to the new one. So now I have two complete phones. One has been disabled because a new chip is in the new phone but that is a formality. I can easily get the old phone working with a simple download at the AT&T store. Who, I might add, have been superb about the whole thing.

Well, they should be. They sold a new device. They are devices now. Mobile devices. But the only got 14 dollars for their trouble with me. They have done better than that today, I am sure.

It is a cheap phone and does nothing but make and receive calls. It will text but I don't do that although John is talking about sending me texts when he goes to Europe in a week. Sicily.

I will not text. Ever. It is not found in my religious beliefs. Indeed, we are anti texting. Not even on a week day or on the day you can eat fish. Or something. But I don't picket or lobby about it. Those who want to text will text and there is nothing to done about them. Except not participate. And to not give a fuck about texting at all. Even the ones I get. I always call back. Voice. I am a tough nut to crack.


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