
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Old but not worn out yet 

I am not sure that I should be looking at a cartoon about old people.

Particularly when it seems true and frank and clear right down to the core of it.

And a cartoon! Many eons from Mickey Mouse.

Wrinkles (2012)

It was hard to watch and, at the same time, very cleansing.

This film puts it all out on the table. The good, the bad and, well it is all kind of ugly but not always.

I think that the animation allows a certain reality. Ironic, that. There are no actors mincing around pretending to be geezers.

This is an Argentine film. The thing takes place in an old age "home" so there is a certain cast to it which I think is not in our/my future. Somehow we have made a transition from "homes" to home with at-home help. If you go to a home it is a nursing home and it is because you must have nursing. These people are not there yet. That happens "upstairs". The dread end point for the terminally sick and the demented.

This is a very good film. The animation is superbly done. Not at all "life-like", that wouldn't work. But stylized in a way that keeps a strong connection to reality.

I do not want to see this again. Once is enough. But that is more because I am living out my own wrinkles and do not need any reinforcement. I should put a smiley face next to that. I am not really in a downer about the film or being an old fart.

A 4 out of Netflix5.

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