Sunday, August 17, 2014
Off to the water
I am off for my annual jaunt to the sea today.
I will be going to San Diego, Shelter Island staying at the Bay Club and Marina as I have every year since, well, I don't know how long.
I used to work at this place, training trainers, and it was a favorite location. A few photos will tell anyone why this is so.
Water on both sides, there is a nice marina, quiet with boats and a look into the Humphrey's concert venue next door.
Across the way there is the San Diego Bay with the Naval Air Base beyond the water and the city off to the left way down there in the mist.
There are birds (lots of pelicans, yeah) and plenty of marines and navy guys jogging. More yeah!
I don't vary my routine much. Surprise, surprise.
I get up early although not quite as early as home. Meditate. Then do a long walk to the west, toward the bay entrance, the big water. There are a lot of things to see. Boats and more boats, a huge huge bell you ring with a timber, a gift from Hawaii, the police station. Seals barking. No planes at this hour. Very little traffic. To the end and back is about ¾ hour.
Then, if I time it right, it will be breakfast, a buffet, sit out on the water.
Back to the room. Sit, read, on the deck. Clear out when the housecleaner comes around nine and walk the other way. West. Up the Island, around the bend to the main avenue (Rosecrans) where I turned in. And back.
By that time, the room is done, I sit and read some more. Perhaps go and walk around some more. Then before I know it will be lunch. I do not go out to eat. The restaurant is great. All I need. Sit on the deck again.
Afternoon the same with a nap. Another little walk.
Then, dinner, early, and another goodnight walk out to see the boats.
The boat viewing is the highlight on all walks. In the early morning people are going out of the large marina mostly to fish. All private boats brought in on trailer. Some moorings. Not many. At night, they are all coming back. With fish and not. The pelicans and seals gather around. It is a spectacle I never get tired watching. People, animals, birds, in close harmony. There is not a spec of fish guts or anything else when they are done. Maybe a slight oil slick but not much of that. I have the impression that boats are not near the polluters they once were. Granted I don't get down into the water to see.
The people watching part is grand. There are runners, mostly navy and marine personnel at nearby bases. There are the fishermen. Both in the boats and standing watching their lines hang in the water. Lots of dogs, well behaved. It is busy but not crowded.
I love it. And I am on my way.
I will not post while I am gone. I think. Time off for that too.

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