
Sunday, August 03, 2014

About time 

It seems, in this country, that public opinion supports Israel.

Therefore, so do the politicians. It usually gets to do what it wants in its continuing wars with the Palestinians. Little criticism.

But occasionally a line is crossed somewhere and the US actually gets upset at them and says so.

This just happened.

US 'appalled' by 'disgraceful' UN School Shelling

It is not as though it is the first disgraceful or appalling thing the Israelis have done. And it will continue.

Years and years and decades and decades of experience show that the US is tough on the Arabs and soft on the Jews. No surprise there. The Arabs lack the political traction that the Jews have in this country.

I, myself, am not on either side. I think they both stink of blood and death. This is racial politics and ethnic violence at a level we would never countenance here. But there? Sure. Jews have the strings on the politicians.

At long last, someone in our government is saying what I usually think. But it is hard to believe that it will last or have much of an effect.

The whole regional history is fraught from the beginning. I grew up with the "Palestine question". I was around to watch the Israeli migration to their "homeland". All fakery as far as I can tell. A place to dump displaced persons who then gained an entitled status in the world because of their suffering. But there has to be a limit.

When do the victims become the persecutors? Or, when did they. That is what has happened.

For a very long time, it was considered "anti-Semitic" (gasp) to utter such thoughts. But technically, the Arabs are Semites too*. So there is enough blame to go around that tree many times.

*Sem·ite: ˈsemīt/noun, plural noun: Semites, a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs.

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