
Tuesday, July 29, 2014


I had a physical checkup over the last week.

I have reached the age where they will pay for an every four month cycle so, as much as I squirm about it, that is what my doctor has me on.

The lab report came back today. I passed it all with flying colors. The trouble I had last year with urinary stuff is gone. Back to normal. All OK. The creatinine. Down below what it is supposed to be.

But he is not going to relent on the frequency.

I do not really mind going. I like him, I like the routine and I like knowing what is going on. And, medically, I just figure that I am beyond the age of consent. What I want or think I need is not really up to me. I have to turn it all over.

I have to admit that catching things in time is a good thing. The spell I had last year with the nephrologist and the urologist was enough to tell me that early detection about anything is best. It is not a sell point for the medicos.

I have not had any cancer except for years ago with my prostate. They gave me radiation for that and it worked. I am 20 years, maybe more, free and clear. I did find out that they want ten years now and not the five they used to talk about.

But no other cancer anywhere now. It did not spread.

Heart? Nothing. Well, not nothing. There is a beat but it is fine. I take some little pills for an elevated blood pressure but everyone my age takes those. And I have a history of irritable bowel syndrome. Donnatal. Atropine/Hyoscyamine/Pb/Scopolamine. It is a barbiturate so I must be careful. I probably do not need it any more so I have dropped it to one a day. Sometimes I forget about it and nothing happens. He doesn't want me to go off it. So I won't. Doctors orders.

Boring, huh. Medical conditions. But some people read this who care about this kind of thing so, there it is. If you are still reading you are a better person than I. I hate hearing people go on about their medical "issues".

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