Saturday, July 19, 2014
It is July and the condo complex is deserted.
Just John and me and a few others. The big horn sheep. And not many of them anymore.
There is a permanent population of about half the normal level. A considerable number of the properties are part time to begin with. People come for a month or two and then lease it out for the rest of the season to "tourists". Well, not actually. In our condos they are limited to thirty day minimum leases. There are violators but not enough to cause a fuss.
Then there are the full timers who, like John and me, take some time away in cooler climes.
We are doing more of this in 2014 than we have before. I would normally go to San Diego for five days and will do that in August. And, I went to London, Boston and Toronto just this past week. John goes to Italy but he is going in September for three weeks. A bit post summer that, but still hot. A get-away.
We decided when we first came here permanently that we would not be two place people. We had tried that with summers in Provincetown and the rest of the year in Boston. Weirdly unmoored. We just gave it up and never did buy a place there which is good as the real estate cycle on the Cape is a horrendous roller coaster.
Now, here. Hot. Dry. A dry heat. Cliche but true. We do not go out at noon and stand in the sun but it is usually good to have the place open in the morning and then close about 11AM. Open again when we go to bed if we are lucky but probably not until morning. My morning. Three AM.
So, we are holding down the fort. There will be no condo board meetings until September but a few of us are here for, at least, moral support of the professional managers. I will review the monthly finances. (We are ahead for the year but not too far ahead to piss people off. By the end of the Fiscal there should be no balance. We are tracking pretty well at this point).
Today and for the next several days, it is below a hundred. Unless the sun comes out. Partly cloudy. Maybe some showers end of day.
And deserted.
It is a desert after all.

Labels: heat, Palm Springs, summer