Sunday, July 20, 2014
Again and again
Another catastrophe, another demonstration of the failure to control arms, another goddam horrific consequence of the continued compulsion of men to act rashly and irresponsibly when they have weapons in their hands.
With Jet Strike, War in Ukraine Is Felt Globally
The cold war. The hot war. The insurgency. The this, the that. All code words for the evil that grips men when they get their wind up. Over the top. Out of control.
I read the whole thing.
I don't know why.
I have read this kind of thing all my reading life and quit somewhere along the way because I couldn't stand it any more.
But I read this one.
A failure for all of us.
It is well known that the availability of weapons leads to the inevitable result. They will be used. Proven. Definite. A known known.
Yet efforts to stop it fail.
Look at our own struggle with gun control laws. The "right to carry". All that shit.
This is the same thing on a global scale. Same result, different day.
If you have it you will use it. Simple. Just fucking basic.
But the cat is out of the bag, a tiger, a bad cat. And it will never, ever go back into the bag.
There are too many interests involved. All the way from weapon makers to weapon users.
I grew up in a house where there were weapons. I hated them. I could not hunt. I could not fish. It was not an intellectual or moral superiority on my part. I just could not. A puzzle that my Dad never unraveled and a subject that kept us apart until both of us were too old and loved so much we could not let it get between us.
I don't know.
I hate it. I hate the advocates, the zealots, the loudmouths who have no idea about implications of their dumb positions.
I hate the instincts that drive us to do this kind of thing. The thoughts. The ideas. The illusions. All of it.
It is sometimes tough to live as an optimist. Just keep my head down and believe that things do get better.
But when all hell breaks out over a wheat field in the Ukraine it is hard to think very positively about our future. Just a long continued struggle that God has contrived to make our spiritual journeys more interesting..
Or something.