Saturday, June 21, 2014
But not "bored".
I just got back from our monthly meeting of the Condo Board of Directors. I am the Treasurer.
We did a lot of business in a relatively short time because we are pretty much aligned on all the issues.
This is a new development for the Board, which like a lot of condo boards, has had a lot of contention in the past.
I think this serenity is a result of a lot of good sub-committee work and the membership of Board members on each Committee.
We have also hired and "trained" a really good professional management company who know the ropes and provide excellent guidance for our deliberations.
Today's issues ranged over a wide area but mostly had to do with applications from owners to do either landscape or architectural work which could be viewed as in violation of the rules.
Some were OK'd, most were not.
We are are in the midst of changing our architectural rules and so many of the issues we face are the result of the old rules lack of clarity. We are already working from the new guidelines which have gone out for owner comment and now are being re-examined according to the results that came in. We will act on the proposed rules with any amendments in September.
There will be no meetings in July and August. We are old style desert rats. No one does nothing in the summer.
I like my Treasurer's job. I sign all the checks and worry about cash flow.
But there is not much worry. We have a healthy group of owners and right now there are only two in arrears and that is more about the banks who are managing the units than it is "real people".
The dues increase will not change this. We will spend all the money. We are beginning to totally replace roofs for all the units and that will absorb the money. We are still "competitive" with most other condos. Just below the middle of the range. We also buy cable television (and internet) on behalf of the owners saving almost 50% of the individual cost.
I had to abstain from one vote today. Money to do needed repairs to our own pod's roof.
I had not even complained about the leaks.
I don't think it is because I am on the Board but I am not asking.
No one brought up the view from our complex. I think we are all more than happy with that. It is just splendid. We are situated almost perfectly to take advantage of the mountain view and are basically surrounded by desert areas that have little chance of being developed further. Quiet and beautiful.

Labels: condo