
Saturday, May 17, 2014


All is well, the plane arrived on time and our visitor came straight to the house yesterday.

A good visit so far.

Today is time out while we attend to some local business. I have a Condo Board meeting all morning and John has another job going with Program work.

Both things were set by others and we can't/won't try to wiggle out of them.

But our guest has plans of her own and is happy to do some shopping, some pool sitting and getting a pedicure. Palm Springs is pedicure center. So much to choose from.

I used to be a regular but got stalled somewhere along the line. Perhaps I aged out of it. Manicures too.

But that is about me me me. It always comes back to that somehow.

We will hook up by dinner and then the next two days are free and clear.

This means there will be some skimpiness in blog writing, maybe. Forewarned. If you are addicted to this you need to get a life anyway!

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