Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Some of us need more time to get started than others.
Jeff Who Lives at Home (2011) is one of those people.
This is a nice gentle film that treads the delicate line between loving humor and mockery. It succeeds.
The Duplass Brothers ask us to focus on a guy who seems to be a loser and see that he has another story than the one we think is going on. He is sort of a fuckup and a loser but in a good way.
The wonderful Jason Segle is Jeff. Ed Helms, his long suffering but very loving brother. Gentle comedies like this are hard to come by and it is nice to watch the Duplass guys making their way in the world.
Some day this will be in a cherished collection set and I will probably buy it.
For now, it gets a 4 out of Netflix5.
Susan Sarandon and some others help out mightily.

Labels: films