Friday, May 09, 2014
Today's film was old fashioned in a good way.
A traditionally constructed film with a lot of heart, laughs, tears and a story line with a moral to it.
Who the hell is Mr. Banks? That is for you to find out but suffice to say there is a lot of biographical stuff in the famous book as there is in Mr. Disney's approach to life. Fathers. Jeez.
I loved this movie and I will see it again for sure. That makes it a 5 out of Netflix5.
Are you surprised? Well, I don't have an unending bias against Hollywood films especially if they are well made and have actors who do the job totally. Emma Thompson plays the redoubtable Travers and Tom Hanks the Disney. Colin Farrell is Traver's dad in the almost 50% flashbacks that comprise the film.
It is Farrell's debut as a mature, serious and extremely talented actor. At least as far as I am concerned. I have always liked him in his way and in this film I think he steals it. He is the weight on the flying kite. You will get the allusion when you see this.

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