
Thursday, May 22, 2014

More about dogs 

Ever since we lost Booker, people have been full of advice, all of which boils down to "get another dog".

Usually a puppy.

We have processed all of this advice and come out, more or less, with the idea that we will do nothing right now.

The feelings for him are way strong and we do not want to shortcut the grieving process. We think that this will not only be good for us emotionally but also help us be better dads for a dog later on.

And, it does seem pretty sure, that we will want a dog sooner or later. Probably sooner.

One immediate consideration is also that we are about to be going through a period of instability in our living situation. I will be in London, then San Diego in the near future. John in Italy.

Not a good time to introduce another member of the family.

So the soonest we would act would be late in the summer or early fall.

It is a little hard to pull out of the process in that our Airedale lady does have a six year old Irish Terrier. Right age. But I am not ready. Not today. There are also other available dogs. No airedales at all.

So. It is hard not to just jump back into it but I have to admit that we are rather liking not having another pet right now. At the same time, we miss Booker a great deal. So. Mixed feelings.

Our old adage is "if in doubt do nothing".

That will be the case until we get back from summer trips. Then we will go into the tank again.

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