
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Life of the party 

This is a wonderful film, from Chile, about a woman who is going it alone in the world.

She has a son and daughter, she has an ex husband, she has a career and for a little while she has a boyfriend who, it turns out is not exactly what she needs to be happy.

He is OK in a way, a retired naval officer, but he can't handle the happy independence of

Gloria (2012)

The story here is of her attraction to this guy and the price she has to pay to be his "girlfriend".

Paulina García is the woman and the aging Lothario is Sergio Hernández.

This is a wonderful movie. It is rich in emotional detail. It takes time to watch people respond to one another. It slows things down so that we can see happiness and sadness come and go. Sometimes exist at the same time. Rich and full.

I cried at the end.

I would happily see this film again and so it is a 5 out of Netflix5.


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