
Thursday, May 29, 2014


But not boring.

I suppose I won't be able to use that joke again.

Today was an irregular meeting of the Condo Board of Directors. It was sort of an off the record meeting which we are not supposed to have but it wasn't secret. Only three members of five attended but that is a quorum. Of course, you would have to know someone to know about it but we didn't lurk around. You could see us right through the front window of the condo in which we met.

The purpose was to draft the budget for the next fiscal year which begins in October. We have to show it thirty days before it is voted and so, if you take into account that we are not meeting in the two summer months, we had to go over it today.

There is nothing dramatically surprising in the budget if you have been listening to us for six months or so. We are going to repair all the roofs (24 four unit pods) in the complex and it is going to cost a lot. So much that the monthly owner fees, the lowest in the valley, will jump 60 dollars a month. Ouch.

But one of the reasons the fees have been low is that they were not repairing the roofs. Or painting, which we are doing now, or much of anything else. So we are stuck with it.

Figuring we might as well be hung for a sheep as a goat (huh?) we are going all the way and raising the monthly rates at the beginning of the fiscal year. September I think.

It was pretty calm. We all agree that it has to be done and while it will not make us very popular, it is a necessity. A nice letter will go out explaining the dereliction of previous boards.

I like the people on the Board. It is fun. This is a nice place.

We also decided to remove all the broken and useless playground equipment in the pool areas. Partly because it is a liability issue.

I found out today that in California if you are a volunteer director they can't sue you. If you are paid they can sue the shit out of you. We are not paid.

Look at that stock picture. Not us by a long shot. It is all men and we are a lot more grizzled. It is the only thing they can get around here. Retired old farts who don't much care if they are pilloried or not. Doing the job no one else wants.


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