Thursday, October 10, 2013
First snow of the season on the mountains.
And lots of rain for us down here.
And the temps last night were in the fifties.
Short lived autumn.
Life in the desert.
Of course, today, the temps will get up to the 80s and it will be gorgeous.
The snow up there will probably not last long except in the crevices and cracks of the mountain rocks where there will be snow as late as May next year.
I had to put the heat on for the house this morning and the heater in the Volvo.
Did I mention that, like it or not, the Volvo has heated seats?
It is, after all, made in the land of ice and snow.
Our Saabs had them too.
So, laughingly, I turned them on this morning, noticing in the process that John had evidently turned his on last night.
As predicted by Bob, the Volvo salesman, I was surprised at how nice it was to warm my ass on the way to and from the gym.
I don't wear a jacket there even in the coldest mornings so this is a good sign.

Labels: desert, seasons, Volvo, weather