Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Just electrons
Whatever could go wrong on the internet does.
In this intense and very good film, four situations unfold with consequences that no one might have predicted. Normal people caught in abnormal circumstances.
A kid who does internet x-rated chat gets manipulated by a television journalist. A couple gets their identity stolen in the middle of a period of great grief. A cyber-detective finds that the internet can strike at home and a couple of kids cause another kid to have a disastrous experience, bullying gone out of control.
Not a quiet film at all. Only two of the situations are connected. The others float off into the quite real universe. The safety of the internet does not exist.
Intense thriller ensues. Edge of the seat stuff.
I could not begin to tell you when and where it will grab you and not let go but I am pretty sure that will happen.
I can only say that it was well worth the ride for me. A satisfying experience all around. Not easy. Just satisfying.
I wonder if I should even post this. Something may be out there to grab my ass.
Actually, that is a bit unfair. If the people in this film suffer from anything it is naiveté.
Failure to take precautions with security data, disinterest in kids' on line activity, television exploitation, sex sites and their impact on the people who serve as the fantasy stand in. Lost in the system.
A nice balance of thriller with cautionary lessons.
There is a lot going on. I would not mind seeing it again sometime. But not tomorrow. A 4 out of Netflix5.