Friday, October 04, 2013
Greek chorus
I just finished reading a great new gay book.
Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan
This is based on a real life event in which two young gay men determined to break the Guiness Record for long time kissing.
If you think this trivial, think again. I followed the real guys for awhile. This book takes it quite a bit further and places it in the context of gay history. A chorus of commentary from those older men gave their lives to HIV describes the changes in gay history as they also tell five other stories of young gay men having the spectrum of young gay experiences today.
Genius. Touching. Very very nice.
Sex is almost besides the point as a kiss of this duration is really an athletic event of some magnitude and only two people who are or have been in love could commit to do it.
The other stories which move in and out include a young couple who are just finding themselves and end up at the kissing as spectators but also one kid who cannot find his way and tries to be ultimately alone.
Levithan is quite a successful author and has the experience to weave an extraordinary tale out of what could have been a bit of fluff or something unseemly.
Anti gay hate is encountered in some of the stories. Others are of the new age variety. Supportiv parents and friends. Happy times together.
If this would be a movie it would be a five.

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