
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Well Armed 

I went and got my flu shot this morning.

Every year, like clockwork.

I do not play games with the flu.

When I was a sophomore in college (?) I had a case that lasted over a week. It was horrible. And nothing to do but ride it out.

Since that time I may have had slight cases of it but when the flu immunizations appeared I was first in line and I have never, ever, had the flu again.

I do not know if the shots worked. That is the problem with shots. But when everyone around me has the flu and I do not, I assume that the fact of the flu shot is the only answer as to "why"?

I do not ever question it. I do not miss it. It is on my calendar for annual renewal.

I am stunned when I learn that friends or family members tell me that they are not going to get it, did not get it or, and this is almost no one really, that they do not do it out of principle because the shot is well known to make people sick.

This is the same kind of bullshit that has little kids open to getting measles or whooping cough. Or, the reason that a lot of older people die of pneumonia or get shingles.


The other thing is that when someone has not had the shot they are part of spreading the virus. There is a community responsibility in immunization.

I called my pharmacy this morning and told them I was coming so the minimal paper work was there for me to sign. I am old enough to have Medicare and it is totally covered.

When I get there, I fill out a simple disclaimer sheet about "NO", I am not a bunch of things that are contraindicative of getting immunized.

I go sit down. I am "shot". I feel nothing.

I actually look forward to it now because it gives me an excuse to visit with the pharmacist who still works there despite that it has been taken over by Walgreens. They have kept the store pretty much as it was when it was an independent pharmacy established to especially serve the HIV community which, of course, at one time used a ton of drugs. Today not so much. No opportunistic diseases. Only the simple cocktail of HIV meds.

That made the place a community project even though it was privately owned and a place where a lot of gay men and women took their business.

I stopped because prior to the Walgreen's buyout, the pharmacy had a quarrel with Blue Cross and would not take their customers. I had to go to another pharmacy and ended up at one which is also small and personal.

Now, too much trouble to transfer back. If it was the original guys I would do so but it is Walgreen's after all.

Long story. But I had to embellish it because "I got my flu shot today, you should get one too". Is a pretty short post.


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