
Monday, September 23, 2013

The avenging antihero 

It must be Ryan Gosling again, behind a wheel and not a good guy more a bad guy being a good guy for a change. The antihero. Protecting women and children from harm.

Drive (2011)

Excessively violent, so much so that the word "brutality" is used in the R rating.

Don't let it put you off as it may have done for me at the beginning when it came out.

Ever fucking bastard in it deserves the beating he gets here and devil take the hindmost.

There is a generous use of other familiar actors here and almost all of them, like Gosling, play against type. Albert Brooks is the most surprising. Bryan Cranston the teevee anti hero and world class character actor also appears.

I won't give you the story. Read the review at the link. It won't help anyway.

The treatment is so unconventional that any story line loses its impact early on. Nothing happens but surprises. So enjoy it.

I might just want to watch it again sometime. I certainly would not mind if you told me Gosling was going to make a visit to my house to persuade me.

A small spoiler.

A 4 out of Netflix5.


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