
Saturday, September 21, 2013


I am very happy to see that LinkedIn has gotten into trouble for their routine violation of spamming.

LinkedIn Sued For 'Hacking' Users' Email Accounts To Spam Friends

I have gotten "invite" emails from people I have on my email list who I know are not wanting me on LinkedIn. In fact some of them didn't know that they had been violated. Somehow, they got far enough in the registration process to be identified as red meat.

It is a nasty business and I have been pissed about it for awhile.

When it first happened to me I wrote back a careful email to the person and said I did email and phone calls but no friend sites. None.

They were often mystified about it. I gave it up. It was obvious that I was spending time on an unmanagable situation.

Who knows how this will play out?

But there are predatory aspects to the internet which are really not OK. It is good to see them get some bad publicity, a little spotlight on them and maybe some damage assessment. I think that will take a long time. But it might actually happen. I hope.

I would like to see the fuckers pay.

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