Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Enigmas piled onto mysteries
updated 091210Today's film is a genré busting, mind altering pleasure from start to finish
Director Sarah POlley tells the story/stories of her family through the mouths of her parents, her siblings and close family friends.
An abundance of old Super8 footage is used to document the live interviews.
No surprise that all the stories are different, a point of view unique to the teller.
Beyond that, as veils are dropped and elements inserted, one learns the story of a woman, Polley's mother, who was a vivid, totally open personality who had an abundant supply of secrets.
The film keeps surprising even into the title roll at the end.
Do not miss a minute.
I have never seen a film like this one and I have seen a lot.
Totally unique and involving to the very end. Do not miss the end titles. I said that. But don't miss them.
I liked this very much and suppose that another viewing could not be as powerfully surprising. I will give it a 4 out of Netflix5 and keep the happy memory of the first viewing experience. Maybe upon reflection a 5.
Don't mistake the shortness of this review as a negative. I am reluctant to say much of anything directly because it might spoil the movie for you.
Labels: films