Saturday, August 17, 2013

Last week before my trip, Friday I think it was, I stood in front of my mirror to shave and just said "the hell with it".
I had enough. Shaving.
And I wasn't doing it every day. Just Monday, Wednesdays and Saturdays with an extra shave in if there was something going on that required it.
I don't do many things where shaving is required. Actually, it is all optional around here where facial hair fashion is as inconstant a human male variable as almost anything.
So there it was and I didn't shave.
Saturday morning, I looked at myself and decided that the stubble, here it is called scruff, didn't look bad but it did seem a bit out of synch with the mustache that I have had for many many years.
I do not remember when I did not have it.
So I did the most rational thing. I shaved the mustache off.
I went to a Meeting and people saw me and some didn't get it, others did, some thought I had a new haircut (the same long hair now for two or three years, now really really long.
Well barbered, babied almost, but long.
No one said it looked bad.
Some said it looked good.
One beloved soul said it made me look ten years younger without a smirk.
So, I decided to leave it alone.
What could I do? The mustache was gone. The beard stubble was there. I could go back to a smooth shave but what's the distinction in that?
So, off I went to San Diego on the beach and figured I could work on the situation from there where no one knows my history at all.
I took the Phillips, I guess it is called a beard trimmer. It allows a varying height to the stubble. It is used for manscaping, facial stubble, whatever.
We had it around when John tried scruff. Quickly abandoned.
I tried a 2 mm height for a couple of days and it would grow in ugly. So I cut it to 1 mm.
That's the ticket.
Of course, it is now necessary to trim the lawn more often than I shaved. But it does not take as long.
I also added wet shave on the upper reaches and the neck. Neatness counts with this kind of thing.
I suppose you have been looking at the scruff more than I do or more than anyone else does while you have read this.
Now. Look away. No comments please unless they are rave reviews.