Monday, August 26, 2013
Back to Boston
Our weather this week is very much like being in Boston.
It is cloudy and a bit humid and the evening temps are in the low 70s. The day almost balmy in the low 90s.
There is humidity in the air but not a whole lot and there are showers on and off.
Everyone agrees this has been a mild summer and this is another example. The first humidity of any consequence that we have had (forecast for all week) and nothing truly uncomfortable.
Weather here is very unreliable in the sense that almost anything can happen any time.
I am sure that we are going to be affected by climate change as everyone else is but here it will be harder to detect.
It was only several years ago when I went to San Diego a bit later than normal and when I came home over the mountains, it was so cold I craved the warmth of my descent into Palm Desert.
This time, two weeks away and nothing special.
Those of us from the east welcome these respites from the sun and clear skies all the time. A little weather never hurt anyone.

Labels: Boston, desert, weather