
Saturday, August 31, 2013


Obama Asks Congress to Approve Syria Strike

He blinked.

Too much opposition.

But he has turned it around and asked Congress to carry its job out.

What do I think?

It is my blog, after all.

I think it goes back to the time when they drew the "red line" and made it clear they would not tolerate any stepping over it.

Pre-meditated policy versus pragmatic decision.

We have managed thus far in recent years to scale back the rhetoric and recognize that whatever we call it, the idea of the "war on terrorism" is dysfunctional.

Fast on feet, quick turnarounds, examination of current data are much better qualities in this day of age where there is no war front, no sides, no clearly articulated enemy.

Do I think he should bomb? I never think anyone should bomb.

Do I recognize our responsibility in cases of rogue leadership ala Syria and much of the middle east? Yes. But it is toward stability and containment.

Look, we have put up with much worse with many of these countries and regions.

If the Palestinian situation is not genocide, what is? If events within Iran are OK then we sanction the killing of innocents (gays). Whether by gas or rope, they are dead.

Stay the course.

Make the choices slowly. He is doing the right thing.



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