Friday, July 12, 2013
The Truth Shall Make You Free
Penis envy, if any, should be based on statistics.
New Research Reveals That Average Penis Size is Much Smaller When You Stop Lying About It
When I was a kid, gym class was a horror. Locker room, required showers.
We took our class, as freshman, with the older sophomores.
George Seese, the bully extraordinaire of the older guys, took a look at my naked form and remarked that I needed "some pussy cheese" on my dick. Too small.
Here were two conundrums. One was whether George's assessment was true and second, what the hell "pussy cheese" was.
The answer to the first, like how did I shape up, was not easy to determine because as a shy, gay boy in the making I was actually afraid to be caught looking around at everyone else's equipment.
And there was no way that I was going to ask anyone about the cheese.
George Seese was the same kid that cornered me in the boy's rest room, when I was in first grade, and called me "wart nose". I did have one. But I picked it off. It bled a little but it was gone. Couldn't do that about the penis.
So, the relative size of my penis became a lifetime distraction. Well, my life up to a certain age, when I found out about the distinction between grow-ers and show-ers. Also the effect of anxiety on how it hangs down there. More worry, less hang. And so on.
Fortunately it was not too many years until I had the chance for up close inspection which, in fact, some boys welcomed. Me too. I also found that almost every man has some shit going on about the bigness of his business.
In the talk that followed, I gained some feedback on my own dimensions which put me solidly in the average category of sizeness. Maybe the lower averages, but still, not a pindick.
George Seese went on to have an awful life and I would like to report that he turned out to be a raving raging queen or something like that but he got his in a nasty auto accident.
I was good friends with his brother Warren who had all kinds of info on George and his intimidation potential, for me, decreased accordingly.
George did have a piece of work down there though. He had something to flaunt. Gotta say that for him.

Labels: sexuality