
Thursday, July 25, 2013


A couple of weeks ago, I encountered a representative of the pistachio growers in my Ralphs produce department.

She was fluffing a standup display and I said something to which she replied something and we were off and running in a discussion of the pistachio nut.

I don't know a lot to hold up my end of such a conversation but she did.

She covers a wide territory in the desert "cities". Maybe a hundred stores.

She cited the virtues of the pistachio. Nourishing, lower fat than peanuts and good.

I took a bag.

Oh boy.

She did not say addictive.

My pistachio history is pretty slim. Not many pages in the volume.

I remember the ice cream. Maybe I had some once.

You have to open them but they more than meet you half way. They open up sort of like a clam. Not all of them. A knife is helpful if they get stuck. Maybe an oyster opener would be helpful.

They taste good. No denying..

With John's more than full participation, we polished of that first bag in jig time. So I got two more. Two because I would have a backup bag.

Now it is two bags almost ever trip to the store.

It is pretty easy to ration them because, since they are hard to open, they slow you down.

What I didn't count on is that while I don't eat many on one sitting, they are available for almost any time of day and to easy to grab a handful.

I would not say that we are truly addicted. More a figure of speech.

But they are good and hard to resist.

Be careful about talking to sales reps in the store.


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