
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Almost normal 

I went to see Dr. Jim about my blood pressure today.

The purpose was to review the last month's records of my own machine and to calibrate that with his. Also, more importantly, to test whether the experiment to half my Lisinopril was successful.

We succeeded on all counts.

The readings for the last month have been better than good and my machine calibrates with his more sophisticated equipment.

We have done this double check before and I guess it is a feature of all future visits. No problem with that.

I am in a good range of blood pressure and he will permanently set me at half the amount of the drug.

Good news. Not only for me but for Medicare. I am less expensive for "them" as a result.

I had hoped, and still do, that I could stop using meds for this entirely but he is not too optimistic about that. It is hard to go backward after treatment. Huh?


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