
Friday, June 07, 2013


I am not surprised, well, really, I am, that the lefties are so totally freaked out about the NSA revelations today.

I am not one of them.

I have never doubted that there was surveillance. Else why have FSA in the first place.

The other thing is that this approach to national security is not new. We all know that. What people seem most upset about is that they looked to Obama to take these procedures down. To nullify them.

Look. Obama is on the record as approving FSA in the first place and is a centrist in the tradition of most if not all Presidents since Eisenhower. You think he is different somehow now?

Here is the other thing.

Do they honestly believe that these measures are so malignant that we should removes some very basic protections in this day and age? National security is not a paranoid fever dream. It is at threat.

Steve Benen and I agree.

The Consequences of NSA Surveillance?

Notice the question mark?

I really believe that strong measures are being taken to not violate people's privacy. I never, ever worry that someone is taking something away from me somehow, somewhere. If I don't worry about Amazon data mining me or Google or someone else, why the USA? The NSA? And remember, the NSA is part of USA. These are citizens too.

Sure. Someday, this could all be used for nefarious purposes. But does anyone seriously think that is happening now? Or is likely to any time soon?


The hysteria started with the subpoenas issued to some reporters at the AP and Fox.

There were and are grounds to believe that security leaks did occur. The press got pissed.

Now they are jumping all over this.

Another angle. There are as many tin hats on the left as on the right. I hate to admit it but that is true.

I am in the middle with Obama. I vote. So does everyone else. I think I made the right choice. I have to let go of some of my micro-worries and not apply them to the national interest.

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