
Saturday, June 08, 2013


You have no idea of the thrill I had this morning when I came back from the Meeting.

Air Force One is on the tarmac at our airport.

It is amazing the power that it has to stir the heart.

This is not about Obama, incidentally, although I suppose maybe a little.

A lot of people had the same experience.

The plane is iconic. Not the White House certainly but the representation of world power.

Even humbling somehow.

The broad legend on the side: United States of America.

No definite article. Beyond definition or qualification.

Maybe I wanted to salute.

The dark blue color is outstanding. Somehow it glistens. The light blue sets it off.

And of course, you know that plane has been polished within an inch of its life.

The best view, somehow was when I got to a point in the road where I saw the plane nose on. Coming at me.

I think part of what it is involves the spirit of taking flight, of soaring.

Against hard winds all these years. But still resplendent.


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