Friday, June 21, 2013
PLUNGE updated 230PM
I was accosted at the gym by a woman with whom I have long shared workout advice.
This time, product in hand, she came to me while I was reading on the bike. She was pitching the Kindle. Paperwhite 3G as it turns out.
She sold, she wheedled, she demonstrated. And, since I would follow any recommendation she made with regard to an exercise or a weight, I heard her out.
She made me read something. She showed me how it works. She happened, to have on her main page at least four books I had read or was planning to read. Even I don't believe this part.
My defenses fell. I grasped for reasons not to like the machine. I claimed to adore the smell of my books. The one I had in my hand I had for fifteen years, reading for the fourth or fifth time.
She heard me out. She even sniffed the book. And laughed.
I know she was a very slow adopter of things electronic. She was actually given this one in her hand. It got her.
She is a bibliophile. Loved bookstores. Now, not so much.
There is no one harder to resist than a convert, a born-again anything. A reformed non-believing atheist turned zealot.
I came home. As promised, I thought about it. I read the reviews. I went on line and there it is. Full kit. 3G Paperwhite, cover, stylus, adaptor, blah blah, even a warranty and insurance extender.
I hit "order".
It is on its way to me as I type.
I did one thing first. I went to the Amazon site and tested favorite authors, favorite books. Everyone is on the e-edition. Everyone. Complete.
They have done their marketing job.
I joked with John the other day about my unravelling, old, old Amazon bookmark. The ones they sent out when they first opened up. It is my first. It is about two inches long now. I have two more in reserve. I may not need them.
As usual, once I decide, I dive in. I was going to just get the simplest model but then realized that for a few bucks more I could have the newest bestest paperwhite and for "just a little more" I could get the 3G which can download anywhere at no cost on other people's phone lines. Or something.
I have my own wireless but this one will not need wireless. I can do it anywhere.
Honest? I never go anywhere but if I did I can use this model. It is also faster.
What else. It is a rush, I must admit. I got right into it and doubled my expense with just a little bit of web time looking into it.
And at these prices, I will have to use it.
One other thing about the Kindle. It is not an iPad or any other tablet. It doesn't do anything but make books (well some other things). Which is what I want.
I do not want to get iInvolved. No texting, no web on a screen, no movies. None of that although the Kindle will do some of that. Perfect.
I have seen first hand what happens when one tries to integrate a hand-held with their main computer. No thanks.
Labels: books, computers, toys