
Sunday, June 16, 2013


I finished the second half of Michael Cimino's

Heavens Gate (1980)

I think that sometimes I hope that I will find a film that others have hated to be likable and even become a favorite.

Such is not the case with this film.

There is a certain beauty in parts of Ciminio's film but the ugliness of the other parts somehow take over in the mind.

A lot of it is corny. Cliché western. It was supposed, I think, to be anti-western but somehow combines all the worst part of the genré. Cimino has run so far away that he has come full circle.

The villains here are truly villainous and all but twirl their mustaches. The heroes are anti-heroes to a fault becoming fucked up losers.

The whore with a heart of gold turns out to be a serious gold digger and fool. And so on.

The range war is too big for the scope of the cameras and in trying to boil it down to a few battles it devolves into something out of the cowboy and indian sort of carnage. The losers are not just losers they are stubborn, stereotype immigrants with more pride than chance.

Hard to root for anyone.

But it is an inspired mess. An argument for tight budgets.

I am glad I saw it and will never, ever watch it again even if you tie me down and put clamps on my eyelids.

A 2 out of Netflix5, actually 1 because I skipped. But as a confirmed movie fan, I have done my job.


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