Friday, June 21, 2013
The story of my life.
Well, part of it.
My very dependable and accurate helper with choosing films is kaput. Gone. Done in. Finished.
Movie Review Intelligence has ceased.
A well designed compendium of all films in release, MRI combined ratings of critics in a way that made sense to me. I liked it.
I am turning to a new site for me.
Metacritic summarizes "tier one" reviews and shows them in a way that is similar to MRI but not as fairly, I think. Certainly not as comprehensively.
Rotten Tomatoes? I loathe it. Their rating system sucks. If a movie is judged to be average, the score is not counted. Distortion.
And I don't give a shit what the audience thought. The usual fare there is for low critic reviews and excessively high audience reviews from the pimply set who drive most Hollywood decisions. A dearth of subtitled films. The pits. Well, the seeds I guess as it is tomatoes not cherries.
I will continue to use the overview on Metacritic in the same way I used MRI. A filter for more detailed reading of the NYTimes reviews which I still rely on heavily. That and also a couple of gay sites who feature gay films, of course.
So far so good on Metacritic.
Why do all the prettiest people turn out to be assholes, the best restaurants go out of business, or why do the good die young?
I don't know?
I just seem to pick the early outs.
Enough of self pity. These are only tools. I will do fine.

Labels: best films, best movies, films