Sunday, June 09, 2013
If I have been optimistic about what the High Court, SCOTUS, will do about the two big gay equality cases before them, it is, in part, because of this.
Exibit A For a Major Shift Justices' Gay Clerks
I have thought of this. And wondered how many there were at this time.
I hear that there are more than the usual quota from past years.
And there have been quite a few in the past.
This article doesn't count or name names but the inside story is that there is every reason to be optimistic.
Of course, clerks don't do the whole thing but they do manage a lot. Their indirect influence has to be strong as well.
After all, they were selected by a judge in the first place and, these days, most lawyers are out and even have a gay rights litigation record.
It would not be "by mistake".
We shall see. But as we inch up to the day of announcement, we can at least bate our breaths a little bit.
Labels: gay rights, marriage equality