Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Today is Booker's fourth anniversary with us.
When our Franklin died, we were despondent. We gyrated between trying to replace him with another Airedale puppy or never having a dog again. The hurt was very great.
But somehow, within a couple of weeks, we stumbled on an ad for the Southwest Airedale Terrier Rescue outfit. Four states in the Southwest that had taken in Airedales who have lost their homes for one reason or other.
We called and then applied and then waited. But not for very long.
Two days before we called, a new Aireboy had been taken in. His human mom had died and his dad was despondent and was smart enough to realize he couldn't be very good for the dog.
So we started to talk about him.
They keep every dog for thirty days observation but we would write and get pictures and so on. We fell in love with him from afar.
When it was time, we scheduled a visit. Raised in Reno, he was now with a foster home in Las Vegas.
When we went to look at him, I think we knew that it was the real deal before we got there.
Then we met. Bingo.
We picked him up the next morning, very early.
I remember feeling scared somehow about his size. He was half again bigger than Franklin. And there he was. Ready to go.
We had rented an SUV for the occasion because by that time the Cherokee was a bit old for a long trip.
Booker, his name coming to us, got in the back and immediately settled with his chest on the console between the two front seats.
He did not move from there for the six hours of the trip except when we got out to pee two times.
He would push his weight onto one of us, then the other. That close, close, kind of contact that feels so deep.
He also exuded the special Airedale odor that comes out of their body when they are happy and excited. I don't know if any other breed does this. It is a woodsy, earthy odor that grows around us.
We knew. He knew. The Airedale people knew. This was it.
And he is still here. It is an honor and a privilege to live with him.
In the rescue business they like to talk about their animals going to their "forever home".
A little corny. But quite apt.
There will be a special party at dinner tonight. Booker gets a fake bone. John and I will split a fancy cupcake.

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