Monday, May 20, 2013
Having said what I said just below about John McCain, I should also point to this. Obama's Newest Ally John McCain
After four years of back and forth spatting, I have recently seen how McCain is spending more time at the White House and has also spoken out on issues that he and Obama share an interest in. Gun control. Immigration. Leak detection.
It is an interesting turn about not without precedent in the past. Politics makes strange bedfellows.
The statesmen of the GOP are deeply embarrassed and chagrined at the way their party has been hijacked. In addition, the formal leadership, Boehner and McConnell are all but useless. Frozen in time and space by the factions in the Party. They are not very good leaders. They lack the talent. The knack.
I still don't like John McCain very well but if anyone can turn him into a useful ally it would be Obama.
Another thing about McCain is that somewhere inside there, the maverick is pacing back and forth ready to make a reappearance. The perverse streak that has pissed off more Republicans than Democrats is just below the surface.
Labels: Administration Obama, McCain