
Monday, April 15, 2013


Was shown in the Urgent Care Facility just up the street. Six hours or more for all the workup and shit.

I thought that I had appendicitis this morning and went to urgent care just up the street.

Good news. It was not appendicitis. They said, if it was, I wouldn't have gone to urgent care. The pain would be so great it would be to the ER. Good to know.

When I got there I told them how I have had gastric distress for the last almost a week. "So you were doctoring yourself?" Nurses are like that.

My theory was that my irritable bowel syndrome was acting up in response to some bad eating choices last week and the introduction coffee into my life about the same time.

Good news. It is not the bowels. I had a tight abdomen and very gassy but no dice on the IBS.

I told them about my kidney problems, the elevated function or the lower function which ever. I don't remember.

Good news. Not the kidneys and in fact a catscan revealed no cancer! There is nothing in there that is not supposed to be. I have been worrying about my recent ultra sound results ever since.

Even better news that.

What I have is a distended bladder. Hardened from too much work to get the urine out. Pressing on my stomach and stuff.

My UC doc (Andy) called my kidney doc and my regular doctor, Dr. Jim.

Good news. The kidney doc pointed out that my kidney elevation (or lowering) as well as the blood pressure problems I have been having could be rooted in this bladder deal.

What I need to do is to see a urologist and they made an appointment next week with a guy Dr. Jim approves of and likes.

Good news.

In the meantime, they drained the bladder, yeh, the abdominal pain went away mostly.

Good news, well they did it with a catheter. Not bad.

And they installed a trouser bag to wear until I see the urology guy. Don't worry guys. It burns a bit going in but is quite acceptable especially given the diagnosis of "not cancer" which would be quite painful, eventually.

Not so great news but what the hell?

I am not worried about it. When I go "out" I will probably wear long pants (gym pants at the gym) but around the house, shorts are fine, indeed preferable because I do have to empty the bag from time to time.

So that is it. They were great with me, the nurses, Dr. Andy. All of them

I am at peace.

I have to empty the bag but it beats wearing the Depends at night.

I can't think of anything else.

I will keep you posted.


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