Sunday, April 28, 2013
I still miss reading the Wall Street Journal but I couldn't get enough out of it to justify its expense which is very high.
Since then, I check in with Yahoo Business from time to time but I don't get much out of it. No color.
I do get some traction from the NewYorkTimes but it is not the same.
Now, I have found Business Insider
This is new. At least to me.
I found out about it when I read a profile of Henry Blodget, the disgraced securities analyst. Disgraced because he had a higher profile than some others but still, disgraced.
He has a second life at the helm of this newsletter which is very informative and erudite while being kinda sexy at the same time. A nice balance of irreverence and journalism, two things that ought to go hand in hand more often.
I like the site's tone and its scoops.